Rick and morty episode 2 imdb
Rick and morty episode 2 imdb

rick and morty episode 2 imdb

He doesn’t see that division: He just sees people with common goals. At the presidential debate, the Rick candidates refuse to take the prompts seriously, but Candidate Morty gives a thoughtful answer to a question about the division between the Ricks and Mortys in the Citadel. A Citadel-wide presidential election has come down to a wide variety of Ricks and one Morty candidate, who seems to be included because all the Ricks find him adorable.

rick and morty episode 2 imdb

On the Citadel morning news, Rick D716 and D716-B report all the big events relevant to the Citadel, throwing immediately to a commercial for Simple Rick’s Simple Wafer Cookie: “Come home to the impossible flavor of your own completion.” These wafers are made from the happy thoughts of Simple Rick, a Rick who chooses to enjoy and appreciate his family.It took me a minute to figure out exactly what was happening, so be prepared: There are a lot of Ricks and a lot of Mortys. The episode pulls an unexpected sleight of hand early on, switching out what sounds like one of Rick and Morty’s few uncomplicatedly fun adventures with deftly interwoven tales from the Citadel. Given how “The Ricklantis Mixup” unfolds, I’m going to recap it through bullet points to break up each story line.Rick and Morty go to Atlantis and have a great time! Morty gets it on with a mermaid! Rick and Morty don’t care about politics! They can’t wait to go back and have another adventure! Five stars.

Rick and morty episode 2 imdb