Lewis and clark corps of discovery expedition timeline
Lewis and clark corps of discovery expedition timeline

lewis and clark corps of discovery expedition timeline

The Corps reaches an unknown fork in the Missouri and must determine which branch to choose.

lewis and clark corps of discovery expedition timeline lewis and clark corps of discovery expedition timeline

The Corps reaches the White Cliffs region of the Missouri River. One of their boats nearly overturns and Lewis credits Sacagawea with saving their most important possessions. The Corps marvels at the abundance of game they kill their first grizzly bear near the Yellowstone River in Montana. Lewis and Clark send a shipment of artifacts and specimens to President Jefferson the "Permanent Party" heads west. Sacagawea's son, Jean Baptiste Charbonneau-nicknamed Pompy by Clark-is born with assistance from Lewis. The Corps attends a Mandan buffalo dance, performed to call buffalo to the area. (National Geographic Lewis and Clark Timeline) The men finish building Fort Mandan, their winter quarters in present-day North Dakota. The men record the temperature at 45 degrees below zero, "colder than ever knew it to be in the States." Lewis and Clark hire French-Canadian fur-trader Toussaint Charbonneau and his Shoshone wife, Sacagawea, to act as interpreters on the journey ahead. Near today's Bismarck, North Dakota, the Corps arrives at the villages of the Mandan and Hidatsa, buffalo-hunting tribes that live along the Missouri River. The Corps has a tense encounter with the Teton Sioux near today's Pierre, South Dakota one of the Sioux chiefs waves his men off and conflict is averted. The Corps enters the Great Plains and sees animals unknown in the eastern United States. The Corps holds a council with the Yankton Sioux at present-day Yankton, South Dakota. Sergeant Charles Floyd dies of natural causes near present-day Sioux City, Iowa he will be the only fatality among the Corps of Discovery during the expedition. North of present-day Omaha, Nebraska, the Corps holds a council with the Oto and Missouri Indians. The Corps holds the first Independence Day celebration west of the Mississippi River. The Corps of Discovery leaves Camp Wood and begins its journey up the Missouri River "under a gentle breeze." Louis to attend ceremonies formally transferring the Louisiana Territory to the United States.

Lewis and clark corps of discovery expedition timeline